What is PLoS – Currents?

I was looking at the PLoS home page and I saw this message about a new PLoS Currents section about phylogeny: PLoS Currents: new section on phylogenetic analyses

What is PLoS-Currents? This is the first time I read about it. Does anyone have experience with it? Can anybody explain me what is it exactly?

Albert Istvan from Biostar explained me that it is based on Google/Knol, a sort of wikipedia but with restriction on editing. It is a place where you can submit documents in the style of reports (or scientific papers), and they will be published only if they pass a revision process. It is a way to publish results quickly, which is useful for fields which need quick updates, like everything related to the Influenza virus or to the new sequencing techniques.

So far, in PLoS they have four Currents Collections, and one of them is particularly interesting: the one called PLoS/Currents Evindence on Genomic Test. It is a place where to publish document on the genetic tests and similar. For example, if you have bought a 23AndMe kit or one from the other competitors, this will be a good place where to look information about each of the tests. Maybe it is also a good resource to be included in the WikiGenes/Nature Genetics paper I was writing about earlier, but I have to look better at it.

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