That’s it! Last week I defended my PhD thesis!! I have gone through it, and survived to tell! I don’t feel very different from before, apart from being relieved :-). Now the future is possibly more difficult than before, because I have to look for a job position and finish a lot of things. While
Category: slideshows
Introduction to Unix systems for Evolutionary Biologists – slides online
Here are the slides of the “Introduction to Unix-like systems” lecture I gave last Saturday at the “Programming for Evolutionary Biology” workshop in Leipzig. In these slides, I did my best to communicate to the students what is philosophy behind the Unix systems and why they have been so important in the past. The Unix
second part of the slideshow on HG for bioinformatics
I gave the second part of the talk on Version Control and hg for my group (check the first part). Here you have the slides: I am working in collaboration with some of my colleagues to write a pipeline for calculating some tests for our projects. The idea is to use hg to coordinate the
The true story behind the annotation of a pathway
These slides are from a talk I gave earlier this week to my lab, describing two papers we published recently: (slides are published on Nature Precedings: you can vote it here) Bioinformaticians frequently use data and annotations from scientific databases, like KEGG or Uniprot. However, it is difficult to know how much accurate this data