The last 18 months have been quite a radical career change for me. This is because I made the infamous move: leaving the Academia and starting working in the Industry. To be honest I am quite happy of the change. I’ve learned many things, discovered another way to do science, and possibly made some contributions. Moving from
Category: life
my first DataDive event
This has been a lovely and sunny weekend in London, but I didn’t see any of it because I spent it all crunching dataframes and calculating numbers at my first Data Dive. Data Dives are events organized by an international organization called DataKind, in which a bunch of data scientists volunteer to dedicate their time
Recruiting mentors for MindTorch
I have a small announcement to make. In the last months I became involved in MindTorch, a London based start-up that aims at matching students and young researchers with potential career mentors. It is important for young people to have a mentor or a person of reference to advise them, telling them how to invest