23AndMe kits for 99$ (159$) for the weekend

23AndMe is offering their kits for 99$ instead of 499$ for the weekend. Actually, if you read the conditions carefully the real prize is 159$, because you have to sign to their ‘Personal Genomics Service’ for at least one year.

If you are really interested in buying a 23andMe kit, you should know that every now and then they make such offers. The last time they did it was on 2010 April 23th, in honor of the DNA day.

As you may already have read from somewhere else about 23andMe, they don’t sequence the whole genome but only a small subset of snps, and then they give you the association between your genotypes and some congenital disease. I don’t actually believe that any of the information they give is useful to learn about your health, because no snp association study has been able to explain more the 5% of the genetic variability. I recommend you to buy the kit only if you work in this field and you are interested in the topic, as 159$ is a good offer for it.

source of the news: reddit/bioinformatics

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